張岳軍先生王雪艇先生羅志希夫人捐贈書畫特展圖錄,頁76-77、227&*朱耷(西元一六二六—一七○五年),江西人,明朝宗室後裔,明亡後出家為僧,別號八大山人。詩、書、畫均擅長,經常在花鳥禽魚畫中,寓含亡國之慟。 本幅是七十四歲的作品,畫幅不大,不過構景設色卻很用心。全幅峰巒綿亙,叢簇雜出,樹法,石法,點景的屋宇橋梁帆艇都很精審。卷尾江上一抹遠山,但用亂筆點撮,而一種煙雲浮動之趣,令人神往。本幅為王雪艇先生捐贈。 &* Chu Ta, a native of Kiangsi, was a Ming scion. After the Ming fall in 1644, he became a Buddhist monk also known as “Pa-ta shan-jen”. He excelled at poetry, calligraphy, and painting, in which he sometimes expressed bitterness over the Ming fall. This work was done at the age of 73. Though not very large, Chu obviously expended great effort on the composition and coloring. Hills and ridges seem to stretch forever, crowding together only to scatter. Stones and trees along with the buildings, bridges, and boats were all done carefully and with refinement. At the end over the river, the hills trail off with brushstrokes and dots. They seem to float like clouds for a spirited touch. This work was donated to the Museum by Mr. Wang Hsüeh-t’img.